Last night and today Daryn, Rebekah and I were on Mt Lemon at Camp Zion, enjoying the cool weather! :) The rain was okay most of the time, but sometimes we could have gone without.
Our ward had its annual camp-out, up at the Church owned girls camp, just .7 miles from the Scout Camp. It was cool for me to see a different Girl's Camp, since I'd only ever been to LoMia. Oh man, Phoenix girls, you have it easy! Camp Zion mostly just has platforms for tents, and outhouses. There's a FEW "cabins" and maybe one set of bathrooms with running water, but I think those are reserved for the leaders that come to take care of you. But hey, some YW in the stake just painted all the walls of the outhouses, so at least they're not dark and gloomy!
We got to the campsite later than we would have liked, but overall things were fun. Rebekah had a hard time traversing any ground that wasn't covered in concrete, but she LOVED running around in the mess hall. In fact, she hardly let me hold her while we were in there playing games and enjoying cake and cobblers made in dutch ovens.
Daryn made Regurgitated Pizza for dinner, and then Nasty Cake for dessert. Everyone loved it - and Daryn loves it when people love his food. :) We also taught some friends how to play Fluxx. It's a really fun card game, and if you haven't played it ask me about it the next time I see you. Since Rebekah slept the whole way to the camp, she was up pretty late, but that was okay b/c I just held her in my lap as we sat around the campfire and got to know some of the couples in our ward. One sister told us about her mom - the first person to be baptized in China! We heard some pretty amazing stuff, and would have stayed up later, but it was starting to rain, and while Rebekah had been asleep for a while, I didn't want to go put her down in the tent b/c then I'd have to stay there, so my arms and back were killing me. we finally called it a night around 3, I think.
Breakfast this morning was pancakes. I'm not normally a fan, but I was really hungry, and so was Bekah! Daryn wasn't feeling well (maybe altitude sickness??) at ALL, so I did most of the cleaning and packing up, but I didn't mind - he's always working so hard to take care of me, it was my turn to help him out. :) So he watched Bekah while she climbed up and down the steps of the amphitheater over and over.
I liked the camp out, but I kind of wish they had 1 or 2 more planned activities. The mostly free structured evening was great "Here's board games, enjoy." But I think it would have been cool to play Tug of War, or something as a whole ward the next morning, instead of just having breakfast and everyone scattering to pack up as soon as they could.
Maybe next time.
Ahhh . . . camping. I always think that's such a brave thing to do with young children. Glad you guys had fun!